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We Don't Want Your Fucking Wall, We Don't Want YOU Trump At All

You see Mr. (un)President, I don't want a wall. I don't want if if we must pay for it. I don't want it if you manage to wave a magic wand and convince the Mexicans to pay for it. No, I do not want it at all. I want a civilization. Walls, meant to keep people out (or in), are not civilized.

I want education - that is civilized.

I want healthcare - that is civilized.

I want to take care of the poor - that is civilized.

I want to take care of the elderly - that is civilized.

I want to take care of the disabled - that is civilized.

I want to take care of the planet - that is civilized.

I want to promote universal human equality - that is civilized.

I want to take care of veterans - that is civilized.

Ok? Got it, Mr. Trump? Got it nationalistic populists? There is no good reason for a wall. There is no good reason to keep pushing these faux national security policies if you intend to destroy the society you are supposed to be securing.


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