We spend a lot of time studying the founders. Or is it the framers? Well, we've come to use both terms to describe the same people, but really folks, there's a difference. And no, this is not a semantic argument, this really matters. This is history, and it's important to get it right. Of course it's important to clarify at the outset that we're discussing the people, almost all men, unfortunately, who created America. The "Founding" depending on how one views it, lasted for between 25 and 50 years. Without question, it began in 1765 when the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act. When it ended is a matter for debate, but that's another story. This is about the people. Now, who are the founders? Tough question. There are literally hundreds, even thousands of them. Anyone who contributed to the founding is a founder. Pretty simple right? Some examples: Anyone who signed the Declaration of ...
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